
The Adventure Begins: 08/25-08/28/2020

Let’s start with what sourdough even is. Sourdough is bread that is “all natural” so to speak. Meaning, it does not use cultivated bakers yeast to grow, it grows from a “starter”, which, is a mixture of flour, water, wild yeast and good bacteria. This wild yeast is what gives the bread its tangy flavor and spongy mouth feel.

As I began my experiment I prepped 2 different starters, one control with just flour and water, and another with flour, water and a banana slice, including the peel. The banana came from the produce section of Harris Teeter and had been on my kitchen counter for almost a week after being purchased. It was starting to ripen and was very soft and splotched with black on the peel.

Time and date starters prepped: 08/26/2020  9:30 am

When first mixing the two, starter 2 was noticeably more chunky than starter 1 due to presence of banana and peel. After mixing, both starters were placed next to a window in my living room that receives no direct sunlight. 

08/27/2020  9:50 am

Starter 1: A layer of liquid formed on top of flour mixture and flour mixture is a solid mass. Smells primarily of flour and almost like cleaning chemicals. 

Starter 2: A layer of liquid formed on top of flour mixture and flour/banana mix has formed a solid mass as well. Smells like a ripe banana but with a hint of breadyness.

Entry 3

08/28/2020  9:20 am 

Starter 1: Multiple small air bubbles have formed on the surface of the mixture. Mixture is more uniform today with no layer of water separated on the surface. Mixture smells rather unpleasant, kind of like compost. 

Starter 2: Also has multiple small air bubbles forming on surface. Black veins are visible throughout the mixture (from the banana peel)